
Cat ladders, hip-hop cheese & future skills

Switzerland's hot on social media! We present you the three most popular and trending stories on social media that adressed Switzerland this past week1

Nr.1 The Swiss love their cats!

That's why many buildings in Switzerland have cat ladders to help their loved ones climb to stories-high windows. The Swiss designer and writer Brigitte Schuster documented the sometimes complex constructions in her book! Find the article that was shared on social media here

Cat ladder
Copyright: Brigitte Schuster

Nr. 2 Swiss hip-hop cheese

Do you ever listen to music? Well, Swiss cheese does too, preferably to hip-hop!

A new initiative from Switzerland is the use of music during the ripening process. While Swiss cheesemaking remains true to its roots, there is still plenty of room for innovation and creativity! The quirky experiment exposed Swiss cheese to different kinds of music and found that hip-hop made it taste the best. Want to know more? Read the article here

Nr. 3 Swiss education 

Switzerland is on the second place at the provision of future skills education, according to the Worldwide Educating for the Future Index (WEFFI), closely after Finland! 

Both countries have done great in the policy environment category, and specifically in terms of formulation of future skills strategy, the periodic review of strategy and the assessment frameworks to support future skills training. Read more about it here

Copyright: REUTERS/Attila Cser


1. Source: Buzzsumo Content Analyzer